Organizational Resilients

I read this great article form the July 2021 McKinsey Quarterly. Much of the perspective is relevant although at that time, it was more about preparing for the return to work. We now know that may not be what the future holds for all. A portion of it was important more than ever. The research was on organizations that did well during the height of the pandemic and those that didn’t. They named these organizations - Organizational Resilients and Non-Resilients.

Here’s the part I’m highlighting here:

“Expand executive focus on strategic clarity, coaching, and empathy - As we mentioned above, Organizational Resilients are much better than others at coaching and at recognizing people for their achievements. Survey after survey shows that the leading driver of performance and productivity is not compensation or stretch goals, but the sense of purpose employees have when they belong to a community whose values they share, that does good things in the world, and that recognizes their contributions.”

It’s true. Purpose. Belong. Community. Shared values. Community altruism. Recognition of contributions.

Organizations and leaders that authentically have a mindset congruent with these truths, outperform those that don’t. The good thing is this mindset can be learned and developed. You can move from non-resilient to resilient, from static to agile. Especially now, it’s critical to embrace the from-to movement in leadership and organizational culture to attract and retain the talent, the people, your company needs.


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