Leadership Cohesiveness

As I continue to walk down the learning path of coaching, my interest in and knowledge regarding culture is growing exponentially. One thing that research points to time and time again is the need for leadership cohesion in order to have culture alignment. The Maslow Centre, which I am happy to say I’m a part of, has this to say:

“Cohesiveness is the area, by and large, where organizations have the most work to do. In our research, we consistently found that leaders struggled to work as a cohesive team. Instead, leaders (including, maybe even especially, executive leaders) first identified and felt aligned with their own department and didn’t see their peers as a cohesive team. In meetings, executive leaders come to represent their own department, rather than work together with their peers to overcome obstacles. This creates individual siloes, disconnect, and self-interest rather than collective progress.

Experienced coaches help executives build their teams to be more cohesive through executive and team coaching, working with C-Suite leaders to both develop and practice collaboration so they can move toward actualization.

What you can do:

• Consider an organization wide strategy over individual department ones to foster shared goals and purpose.

• Employ regular executive coaching with a focus on alignment and collaboration.

• Identify and eliminate policies or procedures that reward competition or superiority of one department over others, particularly at the executive level.

• Bring in expert coaches on team coaching and/or culture coaching that will foster better collaboration.

As the landscape continues to evolve, so shall your employees’ needs. Your coaches will be here to keep you updated on the latest trends and how to stay ahead of the corporate need curve.”


Countering Mind Traps - Personal Preparation for a Positive Culture Seminar and Coaching


Organizational Resilients