Visionary VUCA

The VUCA acronym came into being in 1980. Researchers created it as a way to understand what they predicted for the 21st century environment. VUCA is short for volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. The researchers knew a change was coming. They imagined a less predictable, less controllable world. I think they were onto something. If we think about the last two years of living, VUCA has practically been a way of life.

But then Robert Johansen in his book Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World re-imagined VUCA. He called it VUCA Prime. You see he looked at it from the point of view of how leaders need to behave to counter the original VUCA. He wrote:

Vision rises above volatility

Understanding lessens uncertainty

Clarity refutes complexity

Agility overcomes ambiguity

This wonderful positive reframing directly speaks to the leadership needed in the 21st century.

All the skills needed for VUCA Prime can be developed within you and shared with the world.

Imagine our VUCA world with VUCA Prime leaders. What would that look like?


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