Why Does? Why Can’t? Mind Trap in Action and Resolution

I was working with a wonderful director. She had all the makings to be great. However, she lacked confidence and conviction. She came to me because she knew she wasn’t being as effective as she would like or needed to be.

On her EQ assessment, she was mid-scale for many, but on the lower end of the Self-Perception Composite – self-regard, self-actualization, and emotional self-awareness.

After truly knowing and understanding my client, and knowing and understanding herself, it became clear she was stuck in a Why does? Why can’t? habit – aka a mind trap. She began noticing it more in certain contexts and with certain people. She used The Emotional Agility Pathway tool consistently to practice thinking about the outcome and then planning her behavior. She was able to discover how the habit started in the first place given her keen perception of the context it happened most often in.

With practice, her trap was overcome and now, organically, she thinks, feels, and behaves in a confident manner with conviction. Vision and decisions come easier to her. Sure, she stumbled a few times but learned each time.

You see it wasn’t that she didn’t have confidence AND conviction. She simply had barriers that needed to be removed and a new path set.

For a coach, seeing her set her new path was priceless.

Contact me if this resonates.


How Does Joy Matter at Work?


What’s with this mind trap? - Trapped by ‘why does? or why can’t?’