When Will I Be Promoted?

You’re really good at what you do. Your performance is off the chart. You’re wondering when they’re going to get that promotion at your company. After all, you’re the best at what you do.

But is that all it takes to be promoted? No.

Yes, your adding value at your current level. True. But the real question is what is the value I can bring at the next level?

That’s a great question. One question needs to come before that one though - what does the company need to make it more successful?

In order to be relevant, what value you can add at the next level needs to be aligned with what the company needs to further their success.

To prepare, you need to bridge the gap. How?

Relationships, conversations, engaging, and growth.

Develop relationships with those that can answer these questions: What does the organization need to be more successful? and What skills do I need to develop? It’s not a secret. Transparency is a two-way street. You’re willing to bridge the gap between your skill set now with the skill set needed to add value at the next level and you want people to know you’re growing, and you’ll bridge the gap.

If moving into a leadership role is your heart’s desire, your technical skill set will not necessarily add value in the leadership role. It may actually hinder you at times especially when you’re not sure what to do. When humans don’t know what to do or how to behave under certain circumstances or in a particular context, the knee-jerk reaction may be to fall back on what you know – the technical. Leadership skills are separate and distinct from technical skills. Show you’re developing your leadership skills alongside developing what you learned from your trusted relationships that will enhance your organization’s success.


Leaders with Presence


Emotional Intelligence