Leaders with Presence

“The meaning of life is to discover your gifts. The purpose of life is to give them away.” Picasso

Leaders need to be able to influence. In order to do that, you’ll need to take your presence into account. How? Here are five tips that will help create a presence that will enable influence:

  1. Be fully present and engaged. Actively listen to differing perspectives and include them in your thinking and decision making.

  2. Be comfortable in your own skin. Confidence sans arrogance.

  3. Be composed under stress. Be responsive versus reactive. Calm, cool, collected in the face of pressure.

  4. Be authentic and approachable. Your true self is what will help people trust you. Be invitational in your demeanor.

  5. Provide decisive in communications. Transparency and clarity lead to trust and psychological safety.

To influence is to lead. At the core is your personal power creating the gift of presence then giving it away to influence with integrity..


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