Vulnerability = Courage

I wrote previously about polarities leaders face.  In the balance of many of the poles is vulnerability. How you as a leader show your vulnerabilities matters. Many feel being vulnerable is a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it’s a sign of courage. Plus, with all on the leader’s plate, how can you not be vulnerable? When you’re vulnerable, you learn, grow, ask for help, empower, change…. In other words, you’re authentic, you’re real, you’re human, you create trust AND you model for others how to learn, grow, think out loud, ask for input, and trust……

 Creating a culture valuing:

Action AND Reflection

Stability AND Change

Challenge AND Support

Exude Competence AND Exude Warmth

Task Focus AND Relationship Focus

Direct AND Empower

I know I make it sound easy when it may not feel that way. Ultimately being vulnerable IS courageous and an ingredient all leaders need to sprinkle in.




