
One of the tools I find very helpful is the KPI. It’s a wonderful tool to gain understanding of polarities leaders experience in their day-to-day world. Leaders who effectively navigate polarities – seemingly opposite, yet interrelated, tensions – consistently outperform those who don’t.[i]

An example of a polarity is Action - Reflection, one I’ve experienced myself. When I overuse Action without much Reflection, I begin to feel incompetent. I tend to do this when I’m tired and decision fatigue plays a role. I cannot figure out the Action to take when what is truly needed is time for me to Reflect and create a path to achieve my desired outcome. If I Reflect too much, it lulls me into a state of inaction. If I create a third way with appropriate amounts of each, a better balance, my productivity increases, and outcomes achieved.

What are the other polarity leaders primarily face?

Stability – Change

Challenge – Support

Exude Competence – Exude Warmth

Task Focus – Relationship Focus

Direct – Empower

Creating balance takes being mindful, examining yourself. Your thoughts, feeling, behaviors in your role.

[i] Andiron, LLC


Vulnerability = Courage

