Skill #4 – Communicate.

Let’s continue with the Zenger Folkman report. The report included six skills to energize your team. We’re looking at each skill and I’m adding my own spin.

As we explore the skills, make note of your strengths and growth needs with each. If LIV can help, please reach out.

Skill #4 – Communicate.

Energy can slow down when people do not understand the next steps. Effective communication is key to keeping energy and momentum high within a team or organization.

When leaders fail to communicate the what, where, why, and how of a project or goal, it can lead to confusion, lack of direction, and demotivation among team members. It is important for leaders to clearly communicate the overall objective and co-create with the team the specific steps needed to achieve it.

In addition to clear communication, it is also important for leaders to actively listen to their team members and address any questions or concerns they may have. Leaders who take the time to listen to their employees and involve them in the planning process can create a sense of ownership and investment in the project or goal, which can increase energy and motivation.

Another important aspect of effective communication is providing regular updates and feedback on progress. This not only keeps team members informed of the status of the project but also provides a sense of accountability and recognition for their efforts.

Overall, effective communication is critical to maintaining energy and momentum within a team or organization. Leaders who communicate clearly, actively listen to their team members, and provide regular updates and feedback can help ensure that everyone understands the next steps and remains motivated to achieve their goals.



Skill #5 – Cooperate.


Skill #3 – Vision.