Communication Keys

Great leaders want their staff to have trust in them and to be and feel included. There are several factors that contribute to creating these feelings but the one that is in complete control of the leader is the way they communicate.

Here are some key specifics:

1.       Make sure you understand who you are speaking to - one on one, small, or large group. Your message must be relatable for your audience. Take their perspectives and opinions into account. Use inclusive language - less ‘I’, more ‘We.’ Give credit where credit due.

2.       Know your subject matter. It is difficult to look into the eyes of your audience if you’re reading your presentation or looking away to try to gather your thoughts. Be respectful, caring, and validating. Answer questions completely, clearly, and compassionately.

3.       Be authentic. Do you speak with your hands when you’re with friends? Then you should speak with your hands when you’re with your staff. Folks know when you’re behaving in a rehearsed manner. Show emotion. Be yourself. That’s who they will trust.


Micromanagement Dilemma

