Micromanagement Dilemma

Micromanaging often has negative connotations. It certainly can… dependent on the motivation of the micromanager. Its not always a ‘negative’ motivation. It may be about the internal processes of the manager as seen in my article I Feel Like a Fake on Thrive Global.

Still the feelings often associated with the one being micromanaged are negative - e.g. dismissed, undermined, disrespected, controlled….. Not feelings a great leader would like their staff to have.

But what if the manager is trying to help and it’s coming across as micromanaging? Then it is more of a style, a presentation on the part of the manager.

How do you know if you’re coming across as a micromanager versus simply trying to help? You ask.

The goal of leadership is to understand what your staff needs to succeed. In order to understand, you need to observe, to ask, to clarify with the specific staff member. You also need to be clear about your intentions - to be a support - not to take over.


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