Leader Mindset - Part 2

Yesterday I spoke about The Four Cs. Today’s mindset – Stick to the Task.

Sticking to the task means that whatever you’re doing now, deserves your undivided attention. I know we ‘multitask’ all day long, but for a leader your focus means a great deal to those around you.

For example, if you’re in a meeting with a staff member, how you make that person feel while sitting before you is critical. You want them to feel heard, understood, that you care and want them to succeed. That’s a hard feeling to come by if you’re accepting phone calls and texts during the meeting. Consider meetings with staff sacred time.

Here’s another – politics. In any organization, there’s politics. A leader’s focus is to build productive work environments, mentor staff to succeed, guide organizations to prosper → create a healthy culture. That’s hard to do if your energy is trying to figure out the right political path. I know those paths exist, and if you ‘play the game,’ you may succeed. Succeed at what?  Self-promotion?  If that’s your ultimate goal, great.  But if it’s to lead, then that focus is a brain drain, a distraction from your task.  Instead create a pocket of excellence. You’ll be recognized for that rather than the one that maneuvered your way up.


Leader Mindset - Part 3


Leader Mindset - Part 1