Last week, I spoke about a healthy organizational culture. Today, I’m expanding on what a healthy culture looks and feels like

Here are some key elements of a healthy organizational culture:

1.    Clear Communication: Effective communication is critical. Leaders communicate clearly with their employees, and employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns.

2.    Shared Values: Values that are demonstrated by its leaders and employees. When everyone is aligned around common values, there is greater trust and respect between team members.

3.    Mutual Respect: Between employees, as well as between employees and leadership. On most days, everyone in the organization feels valued and appreciated for their contributions.

4.    Positive Work Environment: Employees feel safe, supported, and encouraged to do their best work.

5.    Work-Life Balance: A healthy organizational culture recognizes the importance of work-life balance and encourages employees to prioritize their well-being.

A healthy organizational culture benefits both employees and the organization as a whole, leading to increased job satisfaction, greater employee retention, and improved performance.

We LIV for healthy workplace cultures. That’s why we have several valid and reliable assessments, certifications, and strategies to help you attain a culture that contributes to optimal mental, emotional, and behavioral acuity.


Why am I so focused on mental, emotional, and behavioral acuity and organizational culture?


What does your organization culture have in common with your acuity?