I want to be curious, but how?

Last week, I started a series. I’m focusing on how – actual behaviors you can practice and see how they feel for you.

Last week was Courage; today is CURIOSITY. Here’s five behaviors you can practice and assess their fit for you:

1.    Ask questions: A curious leader is always seeking to learn more and understand their team and organization better. Ask questions to gain insights into your team's strengths, challenges, and opportunities for growth.

2.    Listen actively: When your team members speak, listen actively to what they say. Ask follow-up questions to gain a deeper understanding of their perspectives and experiences.

3.    Embrace diversity: A curious leader is interested in learning from people with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Encourage diversity in your team and listen to the perspectives of team members from different backgrounds.

4.    Encourage experimentation: Encourage your team members to experiment with new ideas and approaches. Create an environment where taking risks is encouraged and failure is seen as an opportunity for growth and learning.

5.    Be open-minded: A curious leader is open to new ideas and different ways of thinking. Be willing to challenge your assumptions and consider alternative viewpoints.

Remember that curiosity can help you uncover new insights, identify opportunities for improvement, and build stronger relationships with your team. As a leader, cultivating curiosity can help you stay ahead of the curve and drive innovation in your organization.




I want to be self-compassionate, but how?


I want to be courageous, but how?