I want to be courageous, but how?

We talk about courage, curiosity, self-compassion, empathy, resilience…. a lot in different forum (e.g. LinkedIn). I’ve heard from clients that they believe in these “but what do I, as a person, as a leader, actually do?” In coaching, it’s more self-exploration and laying your own path. However, I complied some practices that you can try to lean into.

Today we’ll focus on COURAGE. Here’s five behaviors you can practice and assess their fit for you:

1.    Embrace vulnerability: A courageous leader is willing to be vulnerable and share their struggles and challenges with their team. This can help build trust and create a culture of openness and authenticity.

2.    Take calculated risks: Courageous leaders are not afraid to take calculated risks in pursuit of their goals. They assess the potential risks and benefits of a decision and take action, even when the outcome is uncertain.

3.    Lead with integrity: Courageous leaders act with integrity and stand up for their values, even when it's difficult or unpopular. They lead by example and set the tone for their team.

4.    Foster a culture of learning: Courageous leaders encourage their team to experiment and try new things. They create an environment where failure is seen as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than a reason to be punished.

5.    Communicate clearly: Courageous leaders communicate clearly and directly with their team, even when it's uncomfortable or difficult. They are willing to have difficult conversations and address conflicts head-on.

Remember that courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to act despite it. As a leader, cultivating courage can help you inspire and motivate your team, overcome challenges, and achieve your goals.


I want to be curious, but how?


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