How do you know you’ve arrived at a fantastic working relationship?

You know you’ve arrived at a fantastic working relationship when you both can see and listen to each other and can grow and develop freely within the relationship. When you reach the third and fourth stage of relationship development – like and love.

I worked with an amazing leader who had a lot on their shoulders. They took over as CEO from a micromanaging CEO who kept all power and knowledge in themself. My client worked to create an empowered middle management. My client also had a plethora of knowledge themself. They shared it freely in the form of “this is what I would do.” Their intention was to be helpful. It landed in the same vein as micromanaging given what the staff experienced from the previous leader.

My client’s initial approach was quick as they were remarkably busy, but they learned in coaching and by asking staff how it was landing. They worked to develop a curious mindset, to be transparent, to be self-compassionate, to slow down and be present. Instead of telling people “this is what I would do,” they would be curious, “how would you manage this?”, “what needs to change to make this work better?’ They leaned in. They saw each member of their staff and they saw my client. Love developed and they all rose. There was a culture shift they all cherished.

As a coach, seeing the results was priceless.

Feel free to share if you know someone who needs to see this.

#leadershipjourney #executivecoaching #emotionalintelligence


I’m uncomfortable with the L word at work.


What are the Stages of Relational Development between Leader and Contributor?