I’m uncomfortable with the L word at work.

What L word are we speaking about? L O V E. I know, I get it. “It’s not a good idea to date coworkers.” That’s not what I’m talking about. The type of love I’m speaking of is trusting and genuinely & deeply caring about the welfare, growth, health, needs, feelings, success… of an individual and it’s mutual. One relationship at a time.

We’ve all heard of the stories of soldiers saving their ‘brother’ in the field. Risking their own life to do it. Why? Love. The thought of leaving them stranded was completely unacceptable. Why? Because they love and trust each other completely to have their back. If they didn’t, they may all perish.

How is it different at work? IT’S NOT. Building a culture of L O V E isn’t a soft skill. It may be the difference between life (growth) and death (stagnation).

Fortunately, this type of culture can be developed. Yes, it takes work, commitment, and persevering through the uncomfortable. However, coming out the other side of all that with a loving, trusting culture – priceless.

Maybe not priceless. Research has shown how this type of culture correlates with profits and growth. Oh really?! Indeed. Research it at HBR (for example Proof That Positive Work Cultures are More Productive by Emma Seppala & Kim Cameron) and McKinsey & Company (for example Culture: 4 Keys to Why it Matters by Carolyn Dewar & Reed Doucette).

If you’d like to know more about how this is accomplished, schedule a time with me and we’ll chat. I’ll review the Culture Coaching Pathway I developed with you.

#cultureshift #culturecoach #emotionalintelligence #executivecoaching


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