Emotional Regulation - Exhibit A

One of the things I admire about my husband, Jim, is his emotional regulation. My husband over the years has been in critical leadership roles. Now, since he’s working from home, I get the chance to observe him with my own eyes.

He uses earbuds during calls so I cannot hear the conversation, but I can hear and see him at times. His voice remains calm, he remains thoughtful, he’s silent even when I can tell the conversation is complicated. At times, during conversations, he stands. Other times he goes to his hobby counter and tinkers while he talks and listens. I imagine the conversation is complex and to sooth himself, he tinkers. While he tinkers, his voice remains calm, he remains thoughtful, he’s silent and listening.

We, in the coaching biz, call that emotional regulation.

He’s like that in home life too. I admire that. I’m grateful for that. I’m sure his leaders, peers, and staff are too.

If you’d like to speak about emotional regulation, or something else we can help you with, schedule a complimentary time

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What is Emotional Regulation?


Social Intelligence Elements - Part Two