For the Leader and Those You Lead

It’s important to remember that learning and growth doesn’t always happen in a straight line. Growth takes insight and learning takes practice. Insight doesn’t happen overnight and can have a series of two steps forward, one step back. Why? Insight is powerful – it gives us strength; it can also mean a loss. A loss of what one thought was right, or a belief now known to be false. Give yourself AND others time to grieve the loss so the strength can take hold.

Learning takes practice – new thoughts, new behaviors take time to fully be internalized – repeatedly doing something (aka practice) becomes second nature over time. No one, except maybe a prodigy, sits down at a piano for the first time and plays Beethoven. First comes learning the notes, scales leading to hand muscle learning, listening for mistakes, and trying until you play it correctly.

Growth and learning take compassion – towards self and others.


Then and Now


The Journey