The Journey

Some may think or believe that coaching is about a coach telling a client how to improve or what to do in a given situation. That’s more of a consultant role – hiring an expert to provide a comprehensive answer to a complex question.

Leadership coaching is personal journey the client takes in partnership with a coach. “Coaching creates a unique, empowered relationship for change.” The coach and the client are collaborators working together for the betterment of the client in whatever he/she wants to improve upon.

Once the journey begins, it often takes you down roads never traveled revealing previously unknown possibilities, unleashing hidden potential and a path to create a better self as leader.

Co-active Coaching. Kimsey-House, H., Kimsey-House, K., Sandahl, P., Whitworth, L. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Boston, Massachusetts. 2018.


For the Leader and Those You Lead


Catalyst vs. Shield