Factors of Human Effectiveness - Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff

Now were onto the screening and interviewing process…

Knowing the structure of competence – aka the factors of human effectiveness – can be extremely useful.

These are critical aspect of human effectiveness that need to be evaluated during the screens and interviews – in particular in relation to the specific job skills that is now well defined in the job description and in relation to your company’s culture – relational, behavioral, ethical…..

1.       Self-Management Factor: ability to control impulses, stress management, and ego control.

2.       Technical Knowledge Factor: all jobs have technical requirements – what are the specific ones you’re in need of?

3.       Thinking Factor: decision analysis and common sense.

4.       Administrative Factor: planning, organizing, details, paperwork, etc.

5.       Communication Factor: write, listen, presentation, and clarity.

6.       Interpersonal Factor: people skills, team.

7.       Leadership Factor: initiative, problem solving, ability to lead.

8.       Motivation Factor: work ethic, task completion, effort, integrity, will do attitude.

 Where do you usually focus the interview or perhaps when evaluating staff that want to move within your firm? Technical but…

 Technical is not what predicts success or failure.


The Psychology of Individual Difference - Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff


Job Description - Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff