Job Description - Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff

With the better understanding of your firm’s culture AND the focus of hire you’re looking to bring in, the next step is the JOB DESCRIPTION. The job description even further clarifies who you’re looking for.

> You need to know exactly what your hiring the person to do, how you would like them to do it, and how you would like them to behave while doing it.

> A job description contains clear set of tasks they are responsible for, performance expectations, and key competencies. This manages expectations for both the employer and employee.

> The task and performance expectations may be noted consecutively in the description. When thinking of each task/responsibility – it’s prudent to write out the competencies to ensure you don’t miss any. Keep the ones specific to that task under the task. The broader, redundant ones note in their own section.

With the specificity of a beautifully written and thoughtful job description, if using a talent search service or a recruiter, you’ll be able to show them exactly what you’re looking for.

 If doing it on your own, you’ll be able to post a clear position or move/promote from within.

 You’ll be able to better screen candidates focusing your time and effort to interview the best ones.

 You’ll be able to better prepare your interviewing process with the right tools and the right questions.


Factors of Human Effectiveness - Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff


Culture Assessment - Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff