You Are Not Alone

In The Predictive Index 2021 CEO benchmarking report, many important things were found:

Team Stress and the Need for Cohesion

• Executives are leading all new teams (69% restructured)

• Remote work is here to stay

• Helping the remote team work well (#1)

• Employee productivity (56% high concern)

• Senior leaders are struggling with team cohesion

• CEOs lack confidence in their remote teams

• Team conflict stems from people problems

• CEOs are spending time mediating people issues

Executive Strategy and the Work

• Shifting strategic direction (96%)

• CEO’s are laser focused on strategy development (#1)

• Employees are less clear on strategy

• Lack of strategic clarity and communication of strategy

Building dream teams

• Leaders want to improve people relationships

• Most CEOs need outside help with talent optimization

• CEOs want help inspiring performance and leadership


COVID-19 has made it more difficult to earn and keep new business. More than ever, CEOs are looking to retain the customers they have while also getting the most out of the people they have. 

To stay afloat, 69% of companies restructured their teams since March 2020. Many others were forced into remote work. Major changes like these pile stress on even the strongest of teams—especially when compounded by personal worries and challenges.

Despite the interpersonal disconnect and strain most teams are facing right now—whether remote or otherwise—the majority of CEOs are committed to making remote work a success. Ninety-seven percent plan to allow remote work beyond the pandemic. They understand that the future of work has changed forever, and they know they must adapt to remain competitive. 

Yet good intentions aren’t enough to get stuck teams unstuck. To improve team collaboration, communication, and cohesion in a meaningful way, CEOs must take a new approach to talent strategy: one that requires understanding themselves, their teams, and their strategy—together.”

This intersection between leadership, talent, team, culture, and strategy is complex and may need fresh eyes and specific knowledge to achieve the optimal outcome. That’s where LIV can help.

Source: The Predictive Index


Paradigm Shift


Personal Accountability