What’s the big deal with Positive Psychology? Part Two

The next few weeks, I’m writing about Positive Psychology – a large contributing factor to our coaching practice here at LIV.

Today’s installment – Positive Emotions.

Research has shown that positive emotions can be contagious in the workplace and can have a significant impact on job performance and customer satisfaction. When employees experience positive emotions, such as joy, happiness, and enthusiasm, it can help create a positive work environment that can boost productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction.

Positive emotions can also lead to better customer service, as employees who are in a good mood are more likely to be friendly, helpful, and patient with customers. In addition, when customers interact with positive employees, they are more likely to have a positive experience and feel satisfied with the service they receive.

How would positive emotions help with your leadership?


What’s the big deal with Positive Psychology? Part Three


What’s the big deal with Positive Psychology?