What’s the big deal with Positive Psychology? Part Four

The for the past three weeks and for the next two weeks, I’m writing about Positive Psychology – a large contributing factor to our coaching practice here at LIV.

Today’s focus – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Happiness and Purpose.

Focusing on happiness in the present is important, especially when accompanied by thinking about our past and future to create meaning. Our past experiences and future aspirations are an integral part of who we are and what we value, and they provide us with a sense of purpose and direction in life.

Reflecting on our past experiences can help us understand our values, strengths, and growth needs, and provide us with valuable insights that inform our decisions and actions in the present. For example, by reflecting on past successes and failures, we can identify patterns and learn from our mistakes, which help us make better decisions and achieve our goals in the future.

Similarly, thinking about our future aspirations helps us create a sense of purpose and direction in life. By setting goals and working towards them, we experience a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, which contributes to our overall well-being and happiness. Moreover, having a sense of purpose helps us navigate through difficult times and setbacks providing us with a sense of meaning and motivation.

How does happiness and purpose show up in your leadership?


What’s the big deal with Positive Psychology? Part Five


What’s the big deal with Positive Psychology? Part Three