My Employee Changed Overnight!

The other day I said, “Leading staff can be a series of questions and ‘what to do?’ at times.”

I spoke about behavior patterns and associated feelings.

But what if an employee maintained positive pattern and then suddenly changed.

For example, they always had the report done on time – a positive behavioral pattern. Then the report went missing.


A once engaged and interactive employee falls silent and seems distance.

What to do?

You need to acknowledge the change. Most likely something happened in their life that had a big impact.

You may think – ‘that’s none of my business!’

On the contrary, knowing what’s happening in your employees’ lives is your business.

Talk about the change privately with empathy. Use specific examples to show that you’ve noticed. Listen and be supportive. That may be all they need. If they need time and support to heal, grieve, recover…. give it to them. It’s the best investment for you, your employee, and the organization.



The Legacy of Two COVID-19 Leaders


Behavior Patterns