Your Back - Your Support

For leaders to prosper, they also need to feel safe, understood, nurtured, respected, creative, innovative, clear, happy, ready to listen and work. Leaders too need trusting, respectful, reliable, supportive, empathic relationships. When leaders prosper - individuals, clients, and the organization prosper. Leaders need someone to have their back, support their back, even strengthen their back. If the resources to create this type of environment for leaders – for you - isn’t available inside the organization, get it elsewhere. External coaching is especially important as the stakes are high (Organizational Behavior: Bauer & Erdogan). The silver lining with external - selecting the right coach to work with is in your hands.

The real ‘back’ fact - improvements in the culture go hand in hand with the leader’s growth. For all that and more, be a sponge. Listen, understand, learn, grow – strengthen your back.


EQ - Emotional Intelligence


Respected and Safe?