Skill #6 – Trust

Last but not least in the Zenger Folkman Leadership Skills 2023 Report. The report included six skills to energize your team. We’re looking at each skill and I’m adding my own spin.

As we explore the skills, make note of your strengths and growth needs with each. If LIV can help, please reach out.

Skill #6 – Trust

Trust is a fundamental aspect of any successful team. I’ve written about it many times. When team members trust each other, they are more likely to work collaboratively and effectively, and they are also more likely to be motivated and energized.

On the other hand, if team members question your motives or feel that they are being abused, trust can quickly erode. This can lead to a breakdown in communication, a lack of cooperation, and a loss of motivation and energy.

In order to build and maintain trust within a team, it's important to be transparent and honest in your communication, to actively listen to the concerns and feedback of team members, and to demonstrate a genuine commitment to the success of the team and its individual members.

It's also important to address any issues that arise as soon as possible. If team members feel that their concerns are being ignored or dismissed, trust can be further eroded, and the team's energy and motivation can suffer.

In short, trust is essential for creating and maintaining a positive and productive team environment, and it's important to work actively to build and maintain trust within the team.



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Skill #5 – Cooperate.