Learning kick continues. What is vertical and horizontal development?

Vertical and horizontal development are concepts often used in the context of personal or organizational growth and learning. They describe different dimensions of development.

Vertical Development:

Vertical development refers to the depth or complexity of one's thinking, understanding, and worldview.

It involves progressing through stages of cognitive, emotional, and moral development, as outlined in various developmental theories such as those proposed by Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Robert Kegan.

Vertical development implies a qualitative shift in how individuals perceive, interpret, and respond to the world around them.

It often involves challenging assumptions, expanding perspectives, and integrating conflicting viewpoints to achieve higher levels of consciousness and wisdom.

Examples of vertical development include moving from concrete to abstract thinking, from an egocentric to a more empathetic worldview, or from a conformist mindset to one that embraces complexity and ambiguity.

Horizontal Development:

Horizontal development, also known as breadth development, focuses on expanding one's knowledge, skills, and competencies within existing frameworks or paradigms.

It involves acquiring new information, capabilities, and expertise that complement and build upon one's current skill set.

Horizontal development typically occurs within the context of a specific domain or discipline and aims to enhance proficiency and effectiveness within that domain.

Unlike vertical development, which involves deepening one's understanding and capacity for complexity, horizontal development involves broadening one's repertoire of skills and competencies.

Examples of horizontal development include learning new technical skills, gaining expertise in a particular area of knowledge, or acquiring proficiency in a specific tool or methodology.

In summary, vertical development focuses on deepening one's cognitive, emotional, and moral complexity, whereas horizontal development focuses on expanding one's knowledge, skills, and competencies within existing frameworks or domains. Both types of development are important for personal and organizational growth, with vertical development often leading to more profound and transformative changes in individuals' perspectives and capabilities.

What’s important about having both vertical and horizontal opportunities available to your team members?

If you’re more of an auditory learner, here’s a brief video on the subject and a longer podcast (~30 minutes) for you.

Want to chat more about this? Schedule a time to.

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