I Have the Title; Why Don’t I Have the Power?

A powerful title and power are different.

Power and charisma are different.

Power takes understanding what you’re trying to accomplish and building a road to take you there.

It’s unusual this road is traveled alone – securing allies is critical. NOT politically or manipulatively.


Allies that believe in your vision and see, and share is your passion and open doors. You may need to think about this some as roadblocks are inevitable.

Think – who can help me with this? Up, down, sideways. There’s power in numbers.

Know – what are they passionate about – do they align with your objective?

Approach – in an open manner.

Realize – you may need to reframe and revise your original vision to include their perspective. They may even make it better.

Create – create value for each ally to be invested.

Momentum – share the progress, acknowledge, and appreciate the role each ally plays every step of the way.

Reciprocity – be there for your allies when they need you.

To sum up….

Power is relational.


Behavior Patterns


Experts versus Leaders