Social Integration and Knowledge - Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff

Recall – you’ve introduced the new employee during their Welcome! It doesn’t end there. The employee must feel socially comfortable and accepted by their peers and superiors.

Have interest in their life outside the firm – know about important people to them (e.g. family); understand and promote their outside interests; know about life events and respond appropriately.

Promote high-quality relationships with leaders and other team members – help them connect.

You and the mentor are an integral part of this along with encouraging the employee to do connect on their own.

Enhance it by scheduling brief meetings (formal) or conversations and lunches (informal) with other leaders and peers in the firm. When the new employee walks into a team/staff meeting, if possible, they should know each member on a first name basis and have had some formal and informal time with them.

At the team meetings, reintroduce and have a go around the room – names and brief role description.

Clearly this is easier with a small firm. This should occur at least within the employee’s unit and, if possible, influential, face-of-the-company leaders. After all – you’re asking for a commitment to the firm – having a warm, personal welcome from the face-of-the-company, will help solidify this.

I’ve spent weeks on Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff. I encourage you to re-read the posts altogether – several times - now and in the future. That’s how critical this information is.


Studies have shown over and over – if you have a successful hiring and retention process, it leads to:

● Higher job satisfaction in your firm – you and your staff

● Increased employee commitment

● Higher performance levels

● Success for your individual employees and the firm as a whole

● Lower stress for YOU and YOUR EMPLOYEES

That’s why.





Growth Partners - and they’re not even at the office


Self-Efficacy and Clarity – Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff