Self-Efficacy and Clarity – Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff

Onboarding is a process. After the initial welcome, every employee needs to feel confident in their job performance and know what is expected from them.

The Job Description – that critical piece we spoke about earlier - is paramount with both efficacy and clarity.

The supervisor or superior must schedule formal, consistent, sacred meeting times to review the role so the employee thoroughly understands the expectations and provide the associated training and/or create a formal training plan the supervisor oversees.

Even if the new employee comes in with the required skill set and competencies – that doesn’t mean they know how it is done in your firm or how/what they do connects with others in the firm. What are your systems, processes, etc.? What is their role/expectations with their specific tasks and in the process as a whole?

It’s the supervisor’s job to gain an understanding of how the new employee learns and tailors the training to the employee. It is an unrealistic expectation that all employees learn the same way and at the same pace. Set measurable milestones for that specific employee.

Feedback is essential and a dialogue – modeling empathic feedback with a plan for success is critical. The employee will grow, and you’ll receive feedback on the process that may prove fruitful immediately and in the long-run. Be open to learn yourself.

Initially the meetings will be more often (e.g. weekly). Over time, the meetings may, in a planned manner, change to monthly or quarterly. BUT they should never end. The meeting focus will shift to coaching and support - professional development and growth. Do not cancel or reschedule these meetings if possible. This time is YOUR commitment to them and solidifies their growth, their commitment to you and the firm, and ultimately, your company’s success.

And don’t forget - in between scheduled meetings, check in, praise generously and offer constructive learning opportunities.

Next - Social Integration and Knowledge and Fit Within the Culture…



Social Integration and Knowledge - Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff


Onboarding – Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff