Custom Coaching Packages for Interior Design Firms

I’ve been affiliated with the interior design industry for many years… many! If you’re in the industry, you may have attended one of my seminars at a Century Furniture Showroom or at your Local Design Center. I’ve created packages with a plethora of information from my seminars along side invaluable documents you may begin using in your firm immediately. Not only that, they are CEU approved - without leaving the office! Each package includes a coaching session(s) to address your individual needs.

Here are the packages:

Package 1 – Leadership for Successful Client Relationships – $600.00 – 1 CEU

Consideration, patience, respect and trust are paramount in any professional relationship… yet can be challenging to gain and maintain! This seminar focuses on tools to develop positive communication with your clients – reviewing touch points that are crucial to healthy, productive interactions. Understanding why a relationship derails and what can be done to prevent this, what’s in your control and what’s, and much more are covered in this seminar.

Package Contents:

1.     PDF of seminar PowerPoint Presentation

2.     Agreement Template – Hourly Fee

3.     Agreement Template – Fixed Fee

4.     30-minute Coaching Session

 Package 2 – Culture and the Agreement – $600.00 – 1 CEU

 What is a firm’s Culture and how does it impact your functioning as a staff and with your clients? After all – you’re inviting your clients into your Culture. This seminar defines what a Culture is and how it’s created layer by layer. The layer where the firm’s Agreement is made can be overlooked. Yet the Agreement is an important and impactful method of communicating your Culture with your clients. The content of an Agreement is reviewed illustrating best practices.

Package Contents:

1.     PDF of seminar PowerPoint Presentation

2.     Agreement Template – Hourly Fee

3.     Agreement Template – Fixed Fee

4.     30-minute Coaching Session


Package 3 – Hiring and Retaining the Right Stuff Staff – $600.00 – 1 CEU

Hiring and retaining quality staff is critical for any business. In a small to moderate size business, it’s particularly important given the time and resources associated with the hiring process. How does one find the best candidates and hire the best choice? In this seminar, we discuss the prep work that needs to happen prior to posting a position, attracting the right candidates, techniques for determining the best person for the job, and bringing them on board effectively.

Package Contents:

1.     PDF of seminar PowerPoint Presentation

2.     Interior Designer Job Description Template

3.     Administrative Assistant Job Description Template

4.     30-minute Coaching Session


Package 4 – Creating a Positive Workplace Culture – $600.00 – 1 CEU

In this seminar, what a workplace Culture is and how it’s created, developed, assessed, and improved are discussed. Specific tools are reviewed, and the impact leadership has on workplace Culture is focused upon. This seminar is particularly important for CEOs and Principals.

 Package Contents:

1.     PDF of seminar PowerPoint Presentation

2.     Bibliography

3.     One 60-minute or two 30-minute Coaching Sessions


Package 5 – Leadership for Successful Client Relationships, Culture and the Agreement, Hiring and Retaining the Right Stuff Staff, and Creating a Positive Workplace Culture – $1800.00 – 4 CEUs

This Package includes all of the content from the Packages 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Package Contents:

1.     PDF of all seminars’ PowerPoint Presentation

2.     Agreement Template – Hourly Fee

3.     Agreement Template – Fixed Fee

4.     Interior Designer Job Description Template

5.     Administrative Assistant Job Description Template

6.     Bibliography

7.     One 60-minute and one 30-minute Coaching Session or three 30-minute Coaching Sessions

Click here if you would like to purchase a package (scroll to the bottom). I’ll send you in invoice payable online and your package will be emailed to you.


Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff


Acknowledge the Individual AND Praise the Team