To Err is Human

I’m a great admirer of Adam Grant. This is a quote from him that resonates with me:

“There’s nothing wrong with being wrong. To err is human. It becomes a problem when you choose to stay wrong. To deny error is willful blindness. New information is an invitation to question old opinions. The faster you are to recognize your mistakes, the less wrong you become.”

Sounds simple however, if one’s mindset and behaviors are ingrained that oppose this notion, it makes seeing the wrong and the new information difficult if not impossible. I’ve seen it. Even when hearing something different needs to happen from multiple sources, it falls on deaf ears and blind eyes. All because the leaders’ mindsets are trapped. Even with the world all around them includes the great resignation and the quiet quitting, they stay steadfast in their beliefs and behaviors. It makes me sad to see and hear of these types organizations and leaders. It makes me even sadder to speak with their individual contributors, who are participating in the great resignation and quiet quitting. They don’t feel they have another choice but to find a company that will value them and listen to them. Those companies are out there that will value you and listen to you. You deserve to be at one that does.


What am I so Fearful of?


Aristotle’s Classic Means of Persuasion