The Higher You Go, The More Your Ethics are Challenged

In a research article, it discovered that sometimes the higher you go in an organization, your ethics may be more challenged. Jessica Kennedy[i] noted that “group identification” is a key factor. You simply feel more connected and valued by the group you’re leading making turning a blind eye easier - even if that’s not the person you truly are inside.

It takes a lot to maintain integrity. It takes a certain mindset. Leaders need to establish this mindset before they’re promoted. From the beginning. I’ve written about this is previous posts – my Leader Mindset series – One, Two, Three, and Four. Review and see what I mean.

Another important way to maintain ethics – surround yourself with those that will voice different perspectives, are from all levels that you lead. I’ve talked about this before. Asking and listening to those intimately involved will help keep you grounded.

[i] Does Getting Promoted Alter Your Moral Compass?; Kennedy, Jessica A.; Harvard Business Review; 2/2021


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