Team Results

I’ve been writing about creating a productive, functional, supportive team. Trust, Conflict, Commit, and Accountable. But why? What’s important about all of these?


Ultimately, the purpose of all of these is the results they produce. All teams, divisions, organizations…. have goals. How to achieve the best results for the overall goal is why teams needs to be cohesive, productive, functional…. If they aren’t, the results will be less than optimal. Teams may run without these but inefficiently, less effectively. No organization I know wants that but often have that. That’s why team coaching is so important for efficient and effective results not to mention team members that feel valued, productive, purposeful, and supported - aka happy to come to work and contribute to the greater good.

Results teams are working to achieve must be transparent - out in the open for all to see. This is referred to as the scoreboard. All members can see the progress towards the end result(s). Teams can have fun with the scoreboard they develop. A football field with each team member barrelling towards the goal line… TOUCHDOWN! I love football so that what pops into my head but you get the idea - a visual that shows forward progress, promotes fist pumps, and pats on the back.


Happy Holidays from LIV

