Interviewing Tools - Hiring and Retaining Right Staff

Interviewing process and tools…

There are five methods of evaluating candidates:

1.       Candidates Self report: resume, self-evaluations

2.       Standardized Instruments: Cognitive - intellectual capability; Personality – predictor of behavior

3.       Simulations: audition - do the tasks

4.       References: what others or past employers say

5.       Your Interviews: focus, focus, focus…

 We like to think we’re a good judge of character – we are not – anyone can give you the “right answers” or behave the way they should when you’re watching them.

Best tools = simulation and behavior-based interviewing and evaluating - these are the lenses that help predict the future.

Standardize tests can also be useful BUT the tests need to be selected, administered, and interpreted by a trained, certified professional. Generic testing is frowned upon as a selection tool.

Simulation - bring in the candidates and have them actually perform some of the tasks they’ll be responsible for.

You can imagine how helpful this would be. If the candidate notes they can do x, y, and z and those are needed functions of the job, have them show you.

Give them a reasonable time frame to complete the task. Afterwards discuss the task with them – how they did is and why did they do it in that manner. This is your opportunity to listen and learn about them and decide if they demonstrated the Key Competencies.

What about those factors they need to come in the door with? Let’s discuss how to evaluate those with Behavior-Based Interviewing…


Behavior Based Interviewing - Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff


The Psychology of Individual Difference - Hiring and Retaining the Right Staff