Family Role Trap – Here’s How to See if You’re in One

The past two weeks, I’ve been posting about a mind trap of being stuck in a family role or prophecy. This trap is an easy one to be in as it is usually long-standing habitual behavior and a long held belief. But as you saw from my post last week, it can be challenged and changed. I published a couple of case studies in case you’d like to read a bit more.

This is All I Know: How Family and Company Dynamics Blur

I Feel Like a Fake

To help you see if this is something you need to bring into your awareness, here are questions to ask yourself and honestly answer.

  1. How is the role I play at work familiar to roles I’ve played or seen?

    a. Does the same dynamic follow you to different positions in your company or different employers?

  2. What are the similar feelings I have in my workplace to the ones I had (have) with my family?

    a. Sometimes thoughts and behaviors aren’t obvious to us, but feelings are there, inside of you. Pay attention to them. Are the feelings a prelude to the answer from question #1?

  3. What is the benefit of holding on to this role?

    a. Does it help you feel loyal or connected to your family? Fear of what would happen if you changed (the unknown)?

  4. What is the risk of holding on to this role?

    a. Will the challenges you’re facing now continue? Is it a barrier to your growth and being your best self?

You may identify some strengths and some growth needs -something that’s leaving you short of where you’d like to be.

No worries though – as you can see from the post last week and the case studies, something new and improved can emerge.


Trust Factor…


Feel the Freedom