Critical Skills for Any Leader

EQ skills are labeled as ‘soft skills.’ Today, however, they are the skills that have been proven to correlate with leadership and company success. That is my firm belief but I too, am logical and analytical so seeing the research conducted on EQ, and there has been much, has confirmed my belief that EQ is critical for your success.

It’s been shown that development of EQ in leaders and companies attains great benefits. Specifically, “engaged and energized employees, improved business results, the ability to attract and retain top talent, the creation of an innovation premium, and improved customer experiences, employee satisfaction, and company creativity.”[i]

Clearly, these leader and company attributes amount to a distinct competitive advantage yet can feel complicated and elusive. These skills may not fully be in your wheelhouse, but they can be. They can be learned and give you the advantage.


[i] The EI Advantage: Driving Innovation and Business Success through the Power of Emotional Intelligence, Harvard Business Review research


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Relational Leadership