Countering Mind Traps Seminar Now Available Online

Hey did you know that my Countering Mind Traps Seminar is available to view anytime? I’ve given this seminar live many times in both the private and public sectors. It is so well received and has helped many people become self-aware and begin to make changes with positive results. That has been very rewarding for me so I recorded it for all to view. It is the same presentation I’ve given sans discussion. The discussions have been lively and interesting. I enjoy giving it live and will continue to do so. However, you can now view and listen to it at your convenience. Simply click on this link and it’ll take you right to my seminar web page. It’s about an hour long and chock full of information and practical tools you can begin to use immediately. If, after watching it, and you have any questions you’d like to ask, simply schedule a time with me to do so.


Circumstance and Context

