Appreciation – What Works Best?

Specific appreciation or feedback is much more effective than general feedback because it provides concrete examples of what the person did well and why it was valuable. When you give specific feedback, you show the person that you are paying attention to their work and that you appreciate their effort and contribution. This can help build confidence, motivation, and a sense of pride in their work.

On the other hand, if you give only general feedback like "nice job," it doesn't give the person any specific information about what they did well or why it was important. This can lead to a lack of understanding and engagement with their work, as they may not fully understand what they did right or how to replicate that success in the future.

So, it's important to take the time to give specific feedback that recognizes and appreciates the person's effort and contribution. Be clear about what they did well, and why it was valuable. This will help build a positive and supportive work environment and promote growth and improvement for everyone involved.


The Timing of Recognition is Important – Why?


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